The journal The Orthodox Theology in Dialogue (OTD) is published under the blessing of His Eminence Father Irineu Popa, PhD, the Archbishop of Craiova and the Metropolitan of Oltenia, being published by the Publishing House of the Metropolitan of Oltenia. This issue, in this form, joins the three issues previously published under the title Special Issue by the Mitropolia Olteniei Journal. OTD also singularizes due to its specialized editorial board whose members are internationally famous and acknowledged professors of theology, chaired by His Eminence Irineu Popa, PhD, Metropolitan of Oltenia. Therefore, scholars like: Sebastian P. Brock, PhD, from Oxford UK, Professor Martin Tamke, from the Faculty of Catholic Theology in Gottinge, Germany, Rev. Prof. Jacob Tekeparambil, Director of Sf. Ephraem Ecumenical Research Institute in Kerala, India, Rev. Prof. Dr. Mateusz Potoczny, from the Faculty of Catholic Theology in Opole, Poland. OTD is also available on the internet as a web page.
- The first issue was published in 2015, concerned with the theology of St. Cyril of Alexandria. Most of the papers published in this issue were written in English and they were papers presented during the International Symposium “The Christian Paradigm of a united Europe. Theology and mysticism in the work of St. Cyril of Alexandria”, organized at Tismana Monastery, July 25-27, 2012.
- The second issue was published in 2016, entitled: “Orthodox Theology in Dialogue. Ontological and existential directions”. The papers that were published in this edition are also the blessed fruit of an international debate, this time organized by the Faculty of Theology in Craiova, on June 2nd, 2016, within the Symposium on “The Dialogue between Theology and Science. Ontological and existential directions”.
- The third issue was published in 2017, under the title “Orthodox Theology in Dialogue. Speech and rhetoric in today’s society”. Following previous years’ tradition, the works in volume were the ones presented during the International Symposium on “Speech and rhetoric in today’s society”, organized by the Faculty of Theology in Craiova, on October 25th, 2017.
Starting from 2018, no. 4, the issue represents a continuation of previous academic history and tradition and is to be hereafter referred to as Orthodox Theology in Dialogue (OTD). Its contents is structured according to research fields, as follows: Dogmatics, Oriental, Patristic & Historic, Apologetics, Biblical and Liturgical.
- The number 5/2019 of OTD has a composite content. We have here some important and traditional theme: I. Dogmatica; II. Apologetica et Missionaria; III. Orientalia; IV. Liturgica. Therefore, regarding the dogmatic theme, the approach is a biblical and patristic one, regarding the “Christological problematic of Chalcedon Council” (His Eminence Irineu Popa). We have also a patristic approach about the “Saints in the Syro-Malankara Catholic Liturgy” (Rev. Dr. Jacob Thekepatampil) and the “Christological thought of the Syriac Fathers” (Ionita Apostolache).
- The number 6/2020 of OTD is also a composite one. The content respect the original thematic on sharing the articles: I. Dogmatica; II. Apologetica et Missionaria; III. Orientalia; IV. Liturgica et Canonica. Therefore, we will find here some important titles, as: His Eminence Professor Irineu Ion Popa, Orthodox Teaching about God from an Ecclesiologic Point of View; Associated Professor Adrian Lemeni, La reciprocite entre rationalite du monde et la raison humaine; Dr. Sebastian Brock, Stages in the Spiritual Life According to Isaac the Syrian and Syriac Tradition; Rev. Professor Jacob Thekepatampil, The Thief on the Right Hand Side of Jesus: A Mimro by Jacob of Saroug.