About us
ORTHODOX THEOLOGY IN DIALOGUE (OTD) is a periodic review under the coordination of the Orthodox Diocese of Craiova, the Metropoly of Oltenia, Romania. Moreover, the field of research addresses to everyone who has interests in the Christian Theology, focusing on Dogmatics, Oriental, Patristic & Historic, Apologetics, Biblical and Liturgical studies. OTD is a periodic of dialogue, bringing together theological arguments and debates. Starting from 2018 OTD received an independent ISSN with a new editorial form, in accordance with Romanian Academic legislation.
ISSN: 2668-5353
ISSN-L: 2668-5353
The studies can be received in the electronic form at the next e-mail address: contact@orthodoxtheologyindialogue.ro
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Rev. Lecturer IONIŢĂ APOSTOLACHE, PhD, Faculty of Orthodox Theology,
University of Craiova, Romania
Postal Address:
Str. Mitropolit Firmilian, no. 3, Craiova, Dolj, Romania, tel. (0040)754035906