For Authors

1. Publishing rules 

The Editorial Board of OTD accepts for publication scientific articles, conference reviews and reports connected with the Dogmatic, Apologetic, Patristic, Historic, Oriental and Syriac Studies, Liturgical and Sacred Art. The article cannot infringe the copyright of third. Texts sent to the editors cannot be previously published or submitted elsewhere. Submitting the text, the author consents to: any stylistic changes resulting from the standard language, to make any necessary changes to the content arrangement (in order to improve the readability of the text), and also to use it to be printed or in electronic publications. The author transfers the copyright on the Editorial Board of OTD. Simultaneously, the author consents to publish the information about the text in international databases, for instance in ERIC (Educational Resources Informational Centre) or CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library). The author declares that the submitted texts are written in accordance with the principles of scientific integrity and without the occurrence of ghostwriting and guest authorship phenomena, in accordance with the Romanian Academic quotation rolls (

All materials included in the OTD are protected by copyright. Reproduction of the text can occur only with the consent of the editor.

2. Reviewing procedure

The OTD Editorial Board follows the reviewing procedure of scientific articles in accordance with “Basic principles for reviewing publications in journals” posted on the Romanian Academic rolls ( It means that the reviewing procedure takes place with the principles of confidentiality, that is the author(s) and the reviewer(s) do not know each other’s identity (double-blind review procedure). The reviewer prepares a written assessment of the article on the appropriate form The author/authors Reed to refer in details to all critical opinions of the reviewer/reviewers of the article. The correspondence between the author and the reviewer is done only through the OTD Editorial Board. All accepted comments must be considered in the appropriate correction of the work. In case of observations with which he disagrees, the author prepares clear and explicit argumentation, pointing the disagreement with the reviewer’s opinion. The article is submitted to be published with two explicit positive reviews. In case of one negative review, there is a need of appointing a third reviewer whose assessment will decide on admission to the publication of the article or its rejection. Texts of not a scientific character do not require any review and are eligible to print directly by the Editorial Board.

3. Notes on the preparation of the text

Scientific articles:

• texts should deal with a problem of the Dogmatic, Apologetic, Patristic, Historic, Oriental and Syriac Studies, Liturgical and Sacred Art;

• the length of the text: 20,000 to 60,000 characters (including spaces, footnotes and literature reference list). Any exceptions to the rules must be discussed with the Editorial Board;

• languages: English, French, German, Italian;

• the text should include subtitles;

• abstract: 150 to 250 words in English;

• keywords: four to six in English;

• citations: they should be put into quotation marks;

• references: they should be put in the footnotes;

• list of references: the full description of the reference should be put in alphabetical order at the end of the article, using the Chicago record.

Biographical note:

A few sentences about the author, affiliation, ORCID and titles of significant publications are necessary.

Texts should be submitted electronically at the next email address: Accepted file formats: *.odt, *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf (others are possible after prior arrangement with the technical editor). Accepted graphic formats: *.eps, *.ps, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif, *.bmp (others are possible after prior arrangement with technical editor) in minimum resolution of 300 dpi.