1. -
    POPA IRINEU ION (born on November 16th, 1957, Perişani, Vâlcea County), Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia, Honorable Member of the Romanian Academy since November 2010, Professor at the Faculty of Theology, University of Craiova, Romania, e-mail: irineu56@yahoo.com

    In 1975 he enrolled in the courses of “Sfântul Grigorie Teologul” Theological Seminary of Craiova, which he graduated in 1980. During 1981-1985 he attended the courses of the University Theological Institute of Bucharest. This period was finalized by the defence of the university degree thesis entitled: „Cunoaşterea lui Dumnezeu şi ideea de epectază la Sfântul Grigorie de Nyssa” (“Knowing God and the idea of epektasis in Saint Gregory of Nyssa”). In 1985, after graduating the university studies, he became a monk at the Frăsinei Monastery from Vâlcea, receiving the name of Irineu. He followed the ordination into Hierodeacon (1985) and Hieromonach (1986).
    In 1985 he was admitted in the doctoral school of the Theological Institute of Bucharest, where he studied the discipline Patrology. The theme of the thesis was: “Politica religioasă a împăratului Iustinian” (“The religious politics of Emperor Justinian”), under the supervision of pr. prof. dr. Ştefan Alexe. Afterwards, while attending courses of French language and literature within the Faculty of Letter of the University of Grenoble for one year, he continued his doctoral studies in the Dogmatic Theology specialty at “Saint Serge” Orthodox Theological Institute of Paris (1987-1990). After the defence of the thesis entitled “La Personne et la communion des personnes dans la theologie de Saint Basile le Grand” (“Person and communion of persons in the theology of Saint Basil the Great”), drafted under the scientific supervision of a professor Boris Bobrinskoy, defended with the mark “magna cum laude“. In parallel, he also attended courses of English language in London (1989-1990), and also courses of Biblical Archaeology at the Institute of Biblical Archaeology of Tantur – Jerusalem (1990-1991). He has been a Doctor in Civil Law of the Faculty of Law of Craiova, with the thesis “Raportul dintre preceptele morale creştine şi normele juridice” (The report between the Christian moral precepts and the legal regulations), supervised by professor Ion Dogaru, defended with the mark “cum laude“. He performed a rich didactic activity as professor of: History of Universal Church (1990-1991) at “Saint Serge” Theological Institute of Paris, The History of the Byzantine Culture and Civilisation (1991-1994), Moral Theology (1999-2001) and Dogmatic Theology at the Faculty of Theology of Craiova, whose Dean he has been from 2008.
    On September 1991 he was appointed, by the decision of the Saint Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, as Vice Bishop of the Diocese of Râmnic, entitled “Slătineanul“. He was invested as Bishop by the Decree no. 77 of September 6th, 1991 of the president of Romania. The service of ordain as Bishop took place on October 6th, 1991. On July 8th, 2008 he was chosen by the Saint Synod of BOR as Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia. The ceremony of installation took place on July 27th, 2008, in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Craiova.
    He is the representative of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the Central Committee of the Conference of the European Churches from 2009.

    His publicist activity was concretised by many articles, studies, volumes and books, published in prestigious publishing houses at home and abroad. Among the most important we mention.

  2. • La Personne et la communion des personnes dans la theologie de Saint Basile le Grand, (Paris, 1991; Bucharest, 2011),
    • Convorbiri despre spovedanie (Conversation about Confession, Bucharest, 1996), Antim Ivireanul, învăţător, scriitor, personaj (Antim Ivireanul, teacher, writher, character, Bucharest, 1997);
    • Experienţe mistice la Părinţii orientali, vol. I şi II (Mystical experience at the Oriental Fathers, vol, I ent II, Bucharest, 2005; Craiova, 2012);
    • Iisus Hristos sau Logosul înomenit (Jesus Christ or the Incarnated Logos, Bucharest, 1999); Omul Fiinţă spre îndumnezeire (Man being to deification, Alba Iulia, 2000),
    •  În duhul Sfinţeniei lui Hristos (In the Spirit of Christ’s Holiness, Craiova, 2001);
    • L’Eglise communion des hommes dans la Sainte Trinite (Church like Communion of People in the Holy Trinity, Craiova, 2003);
    • Le Mistere de la Sainte Trinite dans la communion des Personnes (The Mystery of Holy Trinity in the Communion of Persons, Craiova 2003);
    • Substanţa morală a dreptului (The Moral Substance of Low, Bucharest, 2009);
    • Iisus Hristos este acelaşi, ieri şi  azi şi în veac (Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever, Craiova, 2010);
    • Iconomia plinirii vremilor în Hristos (The Oikonomia of the fullness of times in Christ, Craiova, 2013);
    • Ca toate să fie iarăşi reunite în Hristos, cele din ceruri şi cele de pe pământ (Like all to be one, those on the heavens and those on the earth, Craiova, 2014);
    • Aşteptând pe Cel ce este şi Cel ce va veni, Atotţiitorul (Waiting to the one who is and who is to come, the Almighty, Craiova, 2015);
    • Biserica în actualitate sau actualitatea Bisericii (The Church in actuality or the actuality of the Church, Bucharest, 2018);
    • Cibernetica iubirii în mistica îndumnezeirii: viziunea Sfântului Maxim Mărturisitorul (The Cibernetique of love in the divine mystique: the perspective of St Maximus the Confessor, Bucharest, 2019);
    • Dialoguri teologice pe file de calendar (Theological dialogues on chalendar pages, Craiova, 2019).

    He is also the author of some translations:

  3. • Şcoala rugăciunii by Anthony of Suroj (The School of Prayer, 1994);
    • Stareţul Ambrozie de la Optina by John Dunlop (The Abbot Ambrose by Optina, 1994);
    • Mistica vederii lui Dumnezeu by Abbot Sofronie (The Mystic of God’s vision, 1995);
    • Ortodoxia by Paul Evdokimov (The Orthodoxy, 1996);
    • Omilii şi cuvântări, Din ospăţul Stăpânului şi Dascălul pocăinţei by Saint John Golden Mouth (Sermons and Speeches; From the Master’s Fest and The Teacher of Repentance, 1995 and 1996).

    Studies in OTD: The Incarnated and Eucharistic Son of God in the Thinking of Saint Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius, in OTD, no.1/2015, p. 9-21; The Resurrection of Jesus Christ - the Core of Salvation and Man’s Communion with God in Eternity. Christological and Anthropological Debate, in OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 5-52; Martyrdom as Eucharistic Sacrifice, in OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 7-20; Orthodox Teaching about God from the Ecclesiologic Point of View, in OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 11/25.

    BROCK P. SEBASTIAN, DR. - was born on February 24th, 1938, in London. Professor at Oxford University, UK; e-mail: sebastian.brock@orinst.ox.ac.uk

    He started his intellectual formation in the capital of the British Kingdom. He first attended the courses of prestigious Eton College, graduated with outstanding results. For his undergraduate internship, he joined the University of Cambridge, where he particularly focused on the study of classical languages (Latin and Greek) and Eastern (Hebrew and Aramaic). In 1962 he received a B.A. degree and graduated with 1st Class rank. During the period of his doctoral studies at the University of Oxford his working direction was "Reviewing the first book of the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament, the Septuagint version." In 1966 he received the title of Doctor, after a successful viva, as the doctoral defense is called in Oxford. It was the same year, when he married Prof. Helen MacGill Charrington Hughes, a specialist in archaeology and also greatly preoccupied with Eastern Christianity.
    The academic career of the distinguished Syriacist began in 1964 when he became Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Theology at the University of Birmingham, England. In 1967 he transferred to Cambridge as a Lecturer in Hebrew-Aramaic at the Faculty of Oriental Studies. In 1974, Prof. Sebastian Brock went to Oxford, where he was also a Lecturer in Aramaic and Syriac in the Institute of Oriental Studies, and he furthermore become a member of Wolfson College. Later, he became Reader of Aramaic and Syriac Studies, whilst he became himself known as a renowned researcher and promoter of oriental academic theology, worldwide. He retired from the department in 2003, leaving many disciples, whom he has trained to study this beautiful tradition of the Eastern Church.
    His work was equally appreciated in the West, receiving the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies in Rome. In 2003, on the occasion of a special ceremony to honour him at Oxford, Professor Sebastian Brock was awarded the title "Haddaya − Master of Syriac Studies". In this context, the representatives of the Eastern Church regarded him as "One of the Church Doctors − Malphone d- 'Idto":
    • 1979 − member of the editorial board of  Journal Sbornost / Eastern Churches Review; 1982 − Curator of the Mingana Collection  of Manuscripts, at Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, 1984 − „Placid Lecturers” at the Centre for Indian and Interreligious Studies, Rome;
    • 1986 − Member of the Editorial Translation Board of "historical texts"; 1986-1990 − co-editor of "Journal of Semitic Studies";
    • 1987 − Vice Chairman of the "Aram" Society − for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies; 1988-1990 − works in the British Academy Marc Fitch Research Relationship;
    • 1989 − editorial board advisor of "Arm" magazine;
    • 1989 − "Schweich Lectuers" by the British Academy;
    • 1989 − "ad hominem" relationship in Aramaic and Syriac studies, the University of Oxford;
    • 1992 − Doctor Honoris Causa (DHC) of the Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies in Rome;
    • 1998 − DHC of the University of Birmingham; member of the editorial board of "Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies" magazine;
    • 2004 − DHC of St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute - SEERI  at" Mahat Gandhi" University in Kottayam, India; DHC of "Saint-Esprit" University in Kaslik, Lebanon;
    • 2006 − "Arm" Award for Syro-Aramaic Literature (George a Kiraz (ed), Preface, at Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone, Studies in Honor of Sebastian P. Brock, Georgias Press, 2008, pp. 10-11).
    • 2016 - DHC of the University of Craiova, Faculty of Orthodox Theology.
    Professor Sebastian Broke is the author of over 45 books, 400 articles and studies in journals, plus numerous translations, reviews, prefaces, studies and encyclopedic articles in collective volumes.


  4. • The Harp of the Spirit: Twelve Poems of St Ephrem/Harpa Sfântului Duh: douăsprezece poeme ale Sfântului Efrem (London 1975; second, enlarged, edition 1983). [French translation of 1983 edition by D. Rance, in L’Oeil de Lumière/ Ochiul luminos, 1991; Arabic translation of 1975 edition by Fr. Maximous al-Antouny, Qitaratu ‘l-Ruhi, Cairo 1989; Persian translation, Tehran c.1996; Italian tr. by Maria Campatelli and Manel Nin, Rome 1999].
    • The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World Vision of St Ephrem/ Ochiul luminous:  perspectiva vieţii spiritual la Sfântul Efrem Sirul (Rome 1985); new edition, Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, 1992. [French translation by D.Rance, L’Oeil de Lumière, la vision spirituelle de saint Ephrem (Spiritualité Orientale 50, Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1991); Arabic translation by J.Tarzi,1994; Persian translation, Tehran 1998; Romanian tr. by Ioan Ica jr, Sibiu 1998; Italian translation by Maria Campatelli, Rome 1999; Malayalam tr. 2009; Swedish tr., 2010; Danish and Russian tr. forthcoming].
    • The Syrian Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life/ Părinţii sirieni în rugăciune şi viaţa spirituală (Cistercian Studies 101; Kalamazoo 1987). [Malayalam adaptation by G. Chediath, 1990; Persian tr. Tehran 1997(?); French translation of Introduction and selections by M. Moubarakah and J. Obeid, in Parole de l’Orient 26 (2001), 201-266].
    • A Brief Outline of Syriac Literature/ O scurtă descriere a literaturii siriene (Moran ‘Etho series 9; Kottayam 1997; 2nd edn 2009; 3nd edition in Romanian 2016).
    • From Ephrem to Romanos: Interactions between Syriac and Greek in Late Antiquity/ De la Efrem la Roman Melodul: Interacţiunea dintre teologia Siriacă şi Greacă în primele veacuri creştine (Aldershot: Variorum CSS 664, 1999).
    • Fire from Heaven: Studies in Syriac Theology and Liturgy/Foc coborât din cer: Studii în teologia siriacă şi Liturghie (Aldershot: Variorum SCSS 863, 2006).
    • The Wisdom of Isaac of Nineveh [Syriac-English]/ Înţelepciunea lui Isaac de Ninive (Piscataway NJ, 2006).
    • An Introduction to Syriac Studies/ O introducere în cercetarea siriacă (Piscataway NJ, 2006).
    • The Bible in the Syriac Tradition/ Biblia în tradiţia siriacă (2nd, revised edition; Piscataway NJ, 2006).
    • The Holy Spirit in the Syrian Baptismal Tradition/ Sfântul Duh în tradiţia baptismală siriacă (Syrian Churches Series 9; Kottayam [Kerala India] 1979). [Persian translation, Tehran c.1996; new edition, Kerala 1998; revised edn. Piscataway NJ. 2008].

    Studies in OTD: Towards an Understanding of the Christology of the Non-Chalcedonian Churches, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 70-76; Prayer of the Heart in the Syriac Tradition, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 21-29.

    TAMKE MARTIN (n. 1955) - PhD Professor – was born, Faculty of Theology at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, e-mail: martin.tamcke@theologie.uni-goettingen.de

    Studied Theology, Philosophy and Oriental Studies at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. From 1978 to 1981 he was Student Assistant in a project of the German Research Foundation (DFG), “Religious history and cultural history of Near and Middle East and Central Asia – Research in syncretism”, which was conducted by Prof. Dr. Hage, Prof. Dr. Strothmann and Prof. Dr. Wießner. In 1981, Mr. Tamcke became lecturer at the University Göttingen for three years. He held the same position at the Philipps-University Marburg afterwards and obtained his Ph.D. (Dr. theol.) there at 1985. In 1993, Mr. Tamcke finished his Habilitation and became Associate Professor the same year. From 1994 on, Mr. Tamcke taught Church-History in Hermannsburg; in 1999 he went back to Göttingen as the Professor for Ecumenical Theology at the faculty of Theology. In the same year, he was the Co-Founder of the Master of Arts in Euroculture Programme in Göttingen and went to Chennai/Madras, India, as a Visiting Professor. During 1999 and 2003 he was External Examiner at the School of Historical Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK. Prof. Dr. Tamcke was the Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen between 2007 and 2009 and since 2009 he has been the Vice-Dean. Prof. Dr. Tamcke has been the Director of Studies of Euroculture until April 2017 and is currently the Director of Studies of Intercultural Theology.

    • Christen in der islamischen Welt, Von Mohammed bis zur Gegenwart, München 2008.
    • Mystik - Metapher - Bild, Beiträge des VII. Makarios-Symposiums, Göttingen 2007.
    • Christians and Muslims in Dialogue in the Islamic Orient of the Middle Ages, Beiruter Texte und Studien 117, Beirut 2007.
    • Das orthodoxe Christentum, Becksche Reihe 2339, 2. Auflage München 2007.
    • Achtsamkeit in jedem Atemzug, Einführung in die ostkirchliche Spiritualität, Topos plus 616, Kevelaer 2007.
    • "Dich, Ararat, vergesse ich nie!", Neue Beiträge zum Schicksal Armeniens und der Armenier, Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte 40, Berlin 2006.
    •  Crucea sub semiluna (rad.: Mugurel Pavalucca), Bukarest 2006.
    • Martin Tamcke / Michael Marten: Christian Witness Between Continuity and New Beginnings, Modern historical missions in the Middle East, Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte 39, Berlin 2006.

    Studies in OTD: Die ostsyrischen Katholikoi als vermittler griechischer philosophie an die kaliphen, in OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 77-86; Der mönch als turteltaube: ein mystisches symbol und sein theologischer Gehalt bei Sabriso‘ I. (596–604), in OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 30-36; How Does one Write the Biography of a Saint?, in OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 43-52.

    TEKEPARAMBIL JACOB (n. 1942) – Rev., Director of “St. Ephrem” Ecumenical Research Institute (SEERI) from Kottayam, Kerala, India, Principal Editor of “The Harp” Periodic Review, e-mail: jthekeparambil@gmail.com
    Books: Témoignages épigraphiques syriaques des Églises du Kérala (1999) ; Prêtre de l'église catholique syriaque, Kottayam, Kerala, Inde (2006) ; Syriac Written Heritage in Kerala: First Glances in the Enquiry (2012); Données nouvelles sur la culture des communautés chrétiennes syriaques du Kérala (2015).
    Studies in OTD : The Lord’s Prayer according to Mar Jacob of Saroug (†521), in OTD no. 3/2017, p. 61 – 77; Apostle Simon in the Works of St. Ephrem and Mor Jacob of Sarug, OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 53-72.

    BADWI ABDO – Rev. PhD Professor, Head of the Department of Syriac and Antiochian Sciences, Professor of Christian iconography, University of Holly Spirit/Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, Lebanon, e-mail: badwiabdo@gmail.com  
    Professor Badwi was born in 1948 in Mazraat Yachouh, Liban. In 1963 he became monk in the Libanaise Maronite Order. In 1975 was ordinated priest. In 1979 received his diploma of picture at the Academy of Belle Arte from Rome, Italy. In 1980 became professor of picture, Christian iconography, History of Art and Semitic language at USEK (University of Holly Spirit from Kaslik). In 1986 became docent of the Faculté des Beaux-Arts (USEK) and in 1989 professor at the National Institute of Belle Arte (INBA) from Beyrouth. Is the Founder and the Director of the Department of Sacred Art from USEK.
    His academic work is completed by many articles, conference and research in the domain of Christian Iconography, Maronite and Syriac Art and in Syriac Studies. Among his projects we can find practical works in Christian churches all over the world and also personal expositions in Lebanon of outside the country. Therefore, Professor Badwi is also: the chef of the Patriarchal Committee of Liturgy and Art in Maronite Church, Member of Libanese Association of iconographers, member of  G.E.R.S.L. (Groupe Libanais des Recherches et d'Études Souterraines); fonder member of the Comité des Biens Culturels de l'Église au Liban;
    member in COSAQ (Comité de Sauvegarde de la vallée de
    Qadicha). Membre du C.S.S.S. (Société Canadienne des Études Syriaques).
    Studies in OTD:  Iconography of the Syro-Maronite Liturgical Year, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 78-83.

    BOLDISOR ADRIAN - Rev. Senior Lecturer is a History of Religions teacher at the Faculty of Theology from Craiova, University of Craiova, Romania, e-mail: adi_boldisor@yahoo.com
    He studied Mircea Eliade in the context of his Christian valences of his work. His last published books are: The Interreligious Dialogue (Craiova, 2015) and The Orthodoxy Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Craiova, 2019).
    Studies in OTD: The Criticism of Paganism in the Work Ten Books for the Christian Faith against Theemperor Julian by Saint Cyril of Alexandria, in OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 111-123; Reflections on the Mission of the Orthodox Church after the Holy and Great Council of Crete. Inter-Christian and Inter-religious Perspectives, in OTD, no, 4/2018, p.118-154.

    APOSTOLACHE IONIŢĂ – Rev. PhD Lecturer, University of Craiova, Faculty of Theology, e-mail: nutuapostolache@yahoo.com
    His academicals preoccupation are: Apologetics and Syriac Theology. He write many articles in some know Periodicals from Romania and from outside the country. He graduated a postdoctoral research program at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (PIO) of Rome. His most important books are: Christology and Mystic in the Syriac Theology (2013), The Orthodox Apologetic – confession and apostleship (2017), Spiritual words, peoples and places from the history of the Church from Oltenia (vol. I – 2017; vol. II - 2018), The Luminous Darkness. I. Confluences and mystical ideas at the Oriental Fathers. II. The letters of John Sabba, the Syrian mystic from mount of Dalyatha (2019). He also translated in the Romanian language a number of very important papers and books of dr. Sebastian Brock: Brief Outline of the Syriac Literature (2016) and The Bride of Light (2019), at the Metropolia Olteniei Publishing House, from Craiova, Roamania. The present work, Daco-roman confession work in the Eternal City, represents a research post-doctoral project, finished in Rome, in 2018, at the PIO.
    Studies in OTD: Controversy between St. Cyril and Nestorius – the Sparks of the 3rd Ecumenical Council, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 212-226; To an Orthodox Understanding of the Human Existence.  An Apologetic Approach, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 168-185; The Daco-Roman Spirituality as an Argument for Romanian Theology, Philosophy and Culture, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 221-236; About the Crete Council Document: “mission of the church in today’s world”. Orthodox considerations on the “dignity of human person”, OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 155-177.

    BOLDISOR ILEANA - PhD Student at the Doctoral “Al. Piru” from the Faculty of Letters from the University from Craiova, Religious teacher at the High School “Marin Sorescu” from Craiova, Romania, e-mail: ile_boldisor@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD:  Landmarks in the Romanian Religious Press, in OTD, no.4/2018, p. 108-117.

    CIUREA MIHAI - PhD Lecturer at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Craiova, Romania, e-mail: ciureamihaijr@yahoo.com
    He teaches Ancient Greek and Biblical Studies, especially New Testament. During 2006-2007, he attended a post graduate programme in The Protestant Faculty of Theology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. He is the author of many books and studies in biblical theology: Names of God in the Old Testament (Craiova, 2006); Christian Syria. Biblical, historical and patristic landmarks (Bucharest, 2010); History of the New Testament Text (Craiova, 2011); Greek Language of the New Testament. Koine Dialektos (Craiova, 2016) etc.
    Studies in OTD: Rhetorical Analysis of Biblical Texts and its Importance for the Synchronic Exegesis of the New Testament, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 173-190; Biblical Theology of the Exodus – Hebrew Pattern of the Galut (Exile) and Geulah (Salvation), OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 210-226.

    IVAN ADRIAN – Rev. PhD Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Theology form Craiova, Romania, e-mail: pr_adrianivan@yahoo.com
    He is specialized on Homiletic and Catechetic. Moreover, he is the author of some important books and studies on this issues: Metoda rugăciunii în educaţia creştină (Craiova, 2010), Logos Parainetikos. Principii parenentice în Omiliile la Matei şi în alte scrieri ale Sfântului Iona Gură de Aur (Craiova, 2015), Predici şi îndrumări omiletice (Craiova, 2015), Omiletica (coautor, Bucureşti, 2015), Mărturisirea adevărului de credinţă, temeiul propovăduirii creştine (2010), Homiletic means and principles in the exegetical work of Saint Cyril of Alexandria (2013), Consideraţii omiletice asupra vieţii şi activităţii mitropoliţilor Firmilian Marin şi Nestor Vornicescu (2014), Principii ale propovăduirii cuvântului lui Dumnezeu în contextul secularizării contemporane (2016).  
    Studies in OTD: Homiletic Means and Principles in the Exegetical Work of Saint Cyril of Alexandria, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 92-110; An Insight into Sermon in view of the Anagogical Meaning of the Holy Scripture, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 97-111.

    POPESCU ION – Rev. PhD Professor, Faculty of Theology from Pitesti, Romania, e-mail: i.popescu1954@yahoo.ro
    He holds a PhD title in Theology and a PhD title in Philosophy. He published numerous books and articles in the mentioned fields and regularly participates at national and international conferences with studies in theology and philosophy.  He is an active member of the Center for Research in Theology, Philosophy and Science, University of Bucharest.
    Studies in OTD: Theological Hermeneutics of Contemporary Scientific Cosmology OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 87-104; The Rationality of the Theological Discourse, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 84-91.

    ILIESCU MIHAI FLORIN – PhD Student, University of Craiova, Doctoral School of Theology “St. Nicodimos”, Faculty of Theology, Romania, e-mail: edmond99@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: The Ideal of the Romanian People and the Elements of National Unity, OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 197-209.

    COJOC MARIN - Rev. PhD Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Theology form Craiova, University of Craiova, Romania, e-mail: marin.cojoc@yahoo.com
    He is teaching the History of the Universal Church. He wrote numerous books, studies, articles and researches regarding the problematic of the Christian Church, in the Nordic part of Danube.
    Studies in OTD: Sciences and Theology in the University of Constantinople from the 5th to the 9th Century, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 111-125; Rhetoric and Theology in Byzantium in the IVth-XIVth Centuries, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 112-128.
    -BAJAU, CONSTANTIN – Rev. PhD Seniour Lecturer, University of Craiova, Faculty of Theology, e-mail: geo_bajau_2004@yahoo.ro He is a specialist on Patristic Theology and Patristic Literature. his theological studies where completed in Athens under the coordination of professor Stelianos Papadopoulos. Has published over 10 books and over 100 articles and studies in many periodic from the country and outside country. His principal title is Patrologia, handbook for students. Studies in OTD:  The Pneumatology of Saint Cyril of Alexandria in Accordance with the 5th Century Holy Fathers’ Teaching, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 78-91; The Holy Fathers, Encyclopedic Spirits, and the Actuality of Their Thought, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 126/136; The beauty and Actuality of the Patristic Homily, OTD, no.3/2017, p. 129/162; The Holy Fathers’ Families, Models for the Christian Family Today, OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 73-84.
    -BELDIMAN, NICUŞOR - PhD. Professor at ”Justinian Patriarhul” Faculty of  Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest, Romania, teaching Homiletics and Catechetics; e-mail: prnbeldiman@gmail.com
    Studies in OTD: Archdeacon Professor Petru I. David, PhD. - a Professor Dedicated to his Students and a Zealous Preacher, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 163/172.

    POPESCU SERGIU-GRIGORE - Rev. Assoc. Professor, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Theology, Romania, e-mail: sergiupopescu77@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: An Original Document from the Archives of the Metropolitan Church
    of Oltenia: the Oath of Faith to the Country, the King, the Constitution and the Laws Deposited by the Church Ministers on the Right Side  of Olt River in The Period 1944-1945, OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 85-91.

    IVANOVICI DANIELA - PhD Student, University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Theology, Doctoral School  “Isidor Todoran”, Romania, e-mail: ivanovicidanielaluminita@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: “Nothing in Excess”- The Oracle as an Agent of Social and Religious Cohesion in Ancient Greece, OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 92-107.

    PETRESCU EUGEN - Director of the Center of Historical Research “Rev. Dumitru Bălaşa”
    of Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Romania, e-mail: petrescu1959@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: The Cult of Heroes in Brâncuşi’s Sculptural Work from Targu-Jiu, OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 178-196.

    VÎNĂTORU MIHAI ADRIAN - PhD Student, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Theology, Doctoral School „Justianian the Patriarch”, Romania, e-mail: mihai@dwf.ro
    Studies in OTD: The Theological Value of Luke’s Prologue (Luke 1:1-4), OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 227-240.

    GEGIU EDUARD EUGEN - Dr., General School No. 21 of Craiova, Romania, e-mail: eduardgegiu@gmail.com
    Studies in OTD: Icona e mondo creato: il paradigma visibile dell’economia redentrice, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 195-207; Il linguaggio rettorico dell’icona e la transfigurazione dell’uomo attraverso la Liturgia, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 258/277; Culto cristiano e bellezza. Aspetti liturgici della vita spirituale vissuta al cospetto delle icone, OTD, no. 4/2018, p. 241-251.

    PAVEL AUREL – Phd Professor, Faculty of Theology “Andrei Saguna” of Sibiu, Romania, e-mail: aurelpavel@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: On Manliness in Christ, “The New Adam” at St. Cyril of Alexandria, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 22-34.

    OCOLEANU IOAN PICU – PhD Professor, Faculty of Theology of Craiova, University of Craiova, Romania, e-mail: ocoleanu@yahoo.de
    Studies in OTD: Catalogus Testimoniorum St. Cyrilli. The Reception on Saint Cyril Theology in the Lutheran Confessions of Faith (bekenntnisschriften) from the Sixteenth Century, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 43-55.

    ZAMFIR GHEORGHE – Rev. Associated Lecturer, Faculty of Theology of Craiova, University of Craiova, e-mail: pr.ghezamfir@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: St. Cyril of Alexandria’s Contribution to the Formulation of the Christological Dogma, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 56-77.

    TOROCZKAI CIPRIAN IULIAN – PhD Lecturer, Faculty of Theology “Andrei Saguna” of Sibiu, Romania, e-mail: torocipri@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: Alexandria at the Beginning of the Fifth Century: St. Cyril and His Opponents, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 124-136.

    TĂNASE NICHIFOR – Rev. PhD Lecturer, Archdiocese of Timisoara, Eparchial Centre, Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: pr.nichifor_tanase@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: Dogma and Spirituality in Cyrillian Logic.Ontological and Dynamic Aspects of Deification through Participation (κατà μετουσίαν) to the Divine Life, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 137-163.

    LEMENI DANIEL – PhD Lecturer, Faculty of Theology of Timisoara, West University of Timisoara, Romania, e-mail: dlemeni@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: Saint Cyril of Alexandria (the Hierarhical Authority) and Abba Shenoute of Atripe (the Ascetic Authority): a Case of Interaction of the Century V, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 164-181.

    TOMOIOAGĂ FLORIN TOADER – PhD Lecturer, Faculty of Theology, University of Oradea, Romania, e-mail: tomoioagaf@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: The Kenosis of Christ in the Context of Saint Cyril of Alexandria’s Theology, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 182-200.

    BORA ION-SORIN – Rev. PhD Lecturer, Faculty of Theology, University of Craiova, e-mail: borasorin@gmail.com
    Studies in OTD: St. Cyril of Alexandria - Exegete of Scripture, OTD, no. 1/2015, p. 201-212.

    NICA EMILIAN CRISANUL – Bishop, PhD Associated Lecturer, Faculty of Theology, University of Craiova, e-mail: psemilianrm@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: Le Saint Hierarque Martyr Anthime L’ibere et Dimitrie Cantemir: promoteurs de l’identite Roumaine, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 53-69.

    NEACŞU ADRIANA – PhD Professor, Faculty of Social Science, Philosophy Departament, University of Craiova, e-mail: aneacsu1961@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: La Theologie et la Science – deux modeles cognitives complementaires, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 104-110.

    MUREȘAN RADU PETRE - Rev. Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: radupetremuresan@gmail.com
    Studies in OTD: Alternative Medicine and Manipulation. The Case of  Reiki in Romania, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 137-144.

    BÎRZU VASILE – Rev. PhD Lecturer, Faculty of Theology, University of Sibiu, Romania, e-mail: perevasile@yahoo.fr
    Studies in OTD: Short Evaluation of the Neurotheology and of the Perspectives for the Traditional Theology’s Dialogue with it, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. 145-167.

    POPA CĂTĂLIN-ŞTEFAN – Phd Habil Professor, Ministery of National Education, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: ktalinpop@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: Syriac Ontology Between Science and Theology. The  Divine Being (Ītyā) in Ephraem’s Refutation of the Philosopher Bardaiṣān of Edessa, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. Error! Bookmark not defined.-194.

    MARCU DORU – Deacon PhD Student, “St. Nicodimus” Doctoral School, Faculty of Theology, University of Craiova, Romania, e-mail: marcu_doru2000@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: Ecclesiology and Mission after Crete I: Illustration in the Light of the Documents Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World and the Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today’s World, OTD, no. 2/2016, p. Error! Bookmark not defined. – 218.

    COMAN MIHAI – PhD Professor, Faculty of Journalism, University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: mcoman53@yahoo.com
    Studies in OTD: Religion and Public Sphere, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 92-96.

    GRIGORIŢĂ GEORGE – Deacon PhD Lecturer, Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: g.grigorita@patriarhia.ro
    Studies in OTD: Canonical Provisions Regarding the Administration Right of the Church’s Properties, OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 191/207.

    PREDA NICOLAE – Deacon PhD Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: preda_nicolae@hotmail.com
    Studies in OTD: L’hymnographie a la Fete de L’Ascension du Seigneur (Perspective theologique-liturgique), OTD, no. 3/2017, p. 250-257.